Plotland focuses on the smaller sites and small scale developments primarily in London. We have a specialised team, with solicitors, architects and planners who together can help you achieve the most from your land.
When it comes to figuring out the suitability of a plot, many factors are taken into consideration, including the land owners wants and needs as well as how the development will affect the community as a whole. We are fully committed to recent policy changes for small-scale development and Biodiversity Net Gain.
Small developments are by their nature more personal, we will always work hard to keep you involved and updated on progress. Every customer relationship is incredibly important to us and forms the firm foundation onto which everything else is built. We will explain and protect you through the process.
No development is too big or too small, so if you think you may have a piece of land or site that you would like a free no obligation assessment carried out, please do get in contact, we would love to hear from you.
If you know of a piece of land that someone else is interested in selling please get in touch and we would offer a 10% finders fee if a sale is agreed.
We will consider:
Large back gardens
Corner plots
Commercial sites
Derelict sites
So if you are thinking of selling some land
please contact us at: